Thursday 28 January 2016 6 steps to getting your dream job

Getting the job you want can be tricky especially with a stern competition for available jobs
 It’s the beginning of the year and you are probably thinking of getting that dream job of yours. Getting the job you want can be tricky especially with a stern competition for available jobs. Companies are downsizing thus reducing the number of employees they can have per time despite the increasing number of applicants. So how do you really work your way through the competition to get that job?

This week, shares 6 points on how you can rightly position yourself to land that job.
1. You have to discover what you really want
Identify the kind of job that matches your passion and the organizations that have opportunities for people with your kind of passion/skill-sets. This is the process of discovering yourself especially as it concerns what matters to you; what opportunities there are for you , and  how resourceful and useful you will be in your chosen field.
2. Build yourself towards achieving it
After number one above, you have to build yourself to fit the opportunities you have identified. Sometimes building yourself might require getting an extra degree or, certifications from some professional bodies, interning or taking the next available job just to gain some form of on-the-job experience. Whichever it is for you, you cannot pass on building yourself to fit the opportunities you have identified.
3. Make connections (Network)
During this process, you also have to take the time out to network/make new connections with relevant people in those fields that can help you make the move. Sometimes, all you might need them for is to get quick and accurate information about the opportunities you have identified.
4. Design your CV to fit the role
You are now at the point where you have to sell yourself on paper. Make whoever reads your CV see who you are, what you are capable of and what you have to offer. Make them see you in the role you are applying for. Make your CV the ‘Perfect CV’.
5. Hunt far and wide
Do not limit your search to connections but start from them. There are now numerous ways of finding your next job which includes online job sites such as Employers now trust this site to attract qualified candidates that best suits the vacancies they have.
6. Nail the interview
This is the final stage where you have to show the employer what a great asset you will be to their organization. How having you on their team will benefit them and bring growth to their organization. Because doing the job you love is never like a job. It is more of a hobby. is Nigeria’s leading online marketplace with a mission to build leading online marketplaces in under-served markets, creating sustainable value for the community

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